
Darpin - chłodnictow, agregaty chłodnicze, skidy pompowe DRY COOLERS

The cheapest way of cooling

We offer wide range of cooling towers maufactured by worldwide known brands, in many configurations:

  • flat type
  • V-type
  • muted type
  • with adiabatic system

Advanteges of dry coolers:

  • No water loss
  • Significant savings in energy consumption
  • Can be use as a heat recovery unit
  • Can be use as a part of free-cooling technology for compressor devices

Dry coolers are widely used in free-cooling systems solutions in winter and autumn periods, when work of chiller's compressor is limited, which allows minimizing the costs of electricity consumption during system lifetime.

Darpin - chłodnictow, agregaty chłodnicze, skidy pompoweSee also: